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UPDATE 03.02.21

《 R U L E S 》
  • Please have basic knowledge of RP group mechanics & etiquette. i.e:

    • Be polite, respectful and communicate well with each other
      • Make an effort to include everyone; no excluding anyone in the server!

      • Don’t god-mod or metagame - our statements should be treated as canon

      • No ship-chasing

      • Communication and consent is important among your fellow RPers!

      • Refrain from talking about any potentially sensitive topics in the server

  • If possible, we'd like DM RPs to be kept to a minimum, as we'd prefer to see everything in the open as this is a group experience! It's hard to tell what's canon if we haven't seen it ourselves! Especially in regards to our battle & relationship system.

  • This group is rated PG-16+ for potential violence, dark/suggestive themes, or strong language. There will not be a NSFW channel and we ask you to refrain from posting any NSFW content in the server.

  • Keep any personal drama out of the server.

  • We no longer have a strike system. We can remove members whenever we see fit.

  • Upon rejection and removal, please don’t ask for feedback or why you weren’t accepted.

※Please be sure to give our Principles page a good read too!​​

《 F A Q 》

01. How many characters can I have?

Only one for now. We may allow the creation of extra NPCs for the plot in future arcs.


02. How long is this group's expected runtime?

Our main story is estimated to last up to a year, but with fillers included, will be longer.


03. What are the activity requirements and how active are members expected to be?

What you put in is what you get out. If you're here, you're here, and if you're not, you're not. 

Participation is not mandatory however you will miss out if you don't participate in main story RPs; as in if you're absent, your OC will not be canonically present.

We cannot afford to keep stragglers thus we will be forced to remove members that fall too far behind.

04. Will this group follow historical events?

No. Our story line is purely made up for our own self-indulgence as this group was made just for fun.

05. Why Taisho at all if your group isn’t realistic to the setting?

The short answer: we’re weebs that love the Taisho aesthetic and just want to live our shounen anime dream like no one has ever done before _(┐「ε:)_

A more formalised answer: as much as we do appreciate staying true to the facts, our group is first and foremost hedonistic and based in a fictional Taisho-inspired setting. Controversial history and politics will not have a place here.

06. This group seems pretty strict and demanding...

Yes, we are strict but that's the price for organisation.

To clarify, the 'self-indulgence' in the group should be interpreted as the mods' selfishness.

07. What's with all the changes to the principles, transparency policy etc.?

We constantly revise our system and decided to disregard the transparency policy due to the misinterpretations that occurred. Nonetheless, if you don't like how the group is run, you're free to leave whenever. Save your time, save our time.

08. I prefer RPing in DMs or one-on-one only, will this be a problem?

This is a collective RP group where all members are expected to interact with each other since teamwork makes the dream work!! Thus, we would prefer that you don't stick to solo-playing only; think of this as like a multiplayer game. 

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask in the #faq channel in the Discord server!

BG: 花雪

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