UPDATE 23.11.21
《 M O D S ' P R I N C I P L E S 》
Do not challenge us. Our word is god.
It's our way or the highway. The "self-indulgent" on our homepage means we run the group selfishly - however we want - i.e. we will not be tolerating anything that does not spark joy.
We're running this group for free after all, it's our time and effort we're putting in.
For those of you who are willing to oblige to our demands, we will do our best to make this group an enjoyable experience!
Please respect us as mods; we’re doing our best to run this group as smoothly as possible! We're not perfect, but we're trying to work smarter, not harder.
Talking to you as a friend, and talking to you as a mod, are two separate things.
Needless to say, being a good person and being a good member are also two separate things - think of how your friends aren't necessarily the best groupmates at school! The same principle applies here.
The show must go on. If you're uncommitted or falling behind, we will not wait for you. The story is set to go at the pace we set, and this group has to take the other members into consideration too.
We appreciate good communicators!
Wanna let us know that you'll be absent for the upcoming RP? Great! Making small edits to your app? Sure thing! Losing interest in the group? Thank you, have a nice day!
If you need clarification on any instructions or announcements, have the initiative to ask! Better to ask than to assume potentially wrong meanings.
Do report to us if you have any issues with a member's actions. We value your comfort.
We value a unique and diverse cast
Hence, we scrutinize mun & OC behaviour in the server
Because we value giving every character their own lane and their own unique characteristics, we are moderating your character based on what you've informed us of. So please try to stay in your lane/court!!!!!
Our vision:
First and foremost, it's a group that started from our own self-indulgence, so our ideal for TR is...
A respectful, appreciative community that is considerate towards everyone. Individuals that communicate and work collaboratively. Both include the mods and all members of the group.
A unique cast with minimal overlap. OCs are branches of a tree that all grow their own way without running into each other.
BG: 剣が君